It’s hard to maintain optimism when you’re watching life pass you by.
As a fellow migraineur, I know that migraines bring more than debilitation and pain to your life. From missed parties to non-existent job promotions, migraine clips your wings. It’s time change that.

I’ve worked in fitness and health for most of my adult life. People came to me wanting to grow strong, achieve their goals, and become their healthiest selves. And while I was helping others improve their health and fitness, it didn’t feel like I was doing my best work. I realized that my calling was specifically to help women with migraine improve their lives. Hiding my own struggles and victories was NOT helping anyone. I had to step up.
Migraines have been part of my life for decades.
I had my first migraine at 10 years old, and they became episodic at 12 years old. Until I graduated from college, migraines were something that I tolerated and expected. Every two weeks or so, I’d feel stressed, experience a migraine, recover, and do everything I could to be productive until the next one hit.
At 23 years old, I underwent six months of intense interviews for my “dream job” (at the time) as a pharmaceutical sales rep for a major pharmaceutical company. After getting it, I started a six-week home-training program.
Every day, I’d wake up with a headache, medicate myself with coffee and ibuprofen, and get through the day however I could. That was the beginning of my daily routine for the previous four years.
Once I passed the home-study portion of my training I attended the two week on-site training at corporate headquarters. It was high-pressure and high-stakes, because if I didn't pass the exam on day one they'd send me home. I passed!
Passing the training was just the beginning.
I had to spend the next two weeks inside a hotel ballroom, under the fluorescent lights, with unhealthy and unappetizing food.
A few days in, I had a migraine, and my trusty abortive medication that had worked for 9 years, did nothing. So I took another. No relief. The second day of migraine I tried more medicine, but with no result. I was in so much pain sitting in the training room, I asked to go to Urgent Care.
I got to Urgent Care and told the Doctor was going on. He treated me as a drug seeker and did everything he could to avoid prescribing me narcotics, despite my evident pain, disability, and rising panic. I eventually got some Tylenol #3s which helped me get through the next few days.
I was told by my new employer that if I didn't finish the training I would have to “re-test and re-train,” which I knew was code for "lose my job."
I called my primary care doctors back home, desperate for an answer. I had lived the migraine for a whole week. She told me that I needed to see a headache specialist and referred me to the top migraine and headache specialists in San Diego County. I made it through the rest of training, but I was in bad shape. When I got home I found that had lost 10 pounds.
Once I got back I immediately saw the neurologist. He informed me during the intake appointment that I had caused this episodic migraine to become chronic - and it was called Medication Overuse Headache, or in my case, Medication Overuse Chronic Migraine. He informed me that the years of OTC drug use, combined with excessive caffeine intake, had changed my neurology for the forseeable future.
He let me know I had a few options:
I could be on narcotics for life.
I could be hospitalized until the pain stopped, which could be years.
I could commit to a caffeine-free, chocolate-free, and OTC-free lifestyle. In doing so I was allowed to take medication two days a week and no more.
I chose number three, naturally. In doing so I was allowed to take medication two days a week and no more, so we could continue to try medicines for relief.
I remember going home and feeling so defeated. I tried and failed every drug on the list. Eventually the drugs that helped were Topamax and Botox, the former causing severe memory loss and the latter costing me every penny I had in available income. I realized that I might not be able to have children because of the toxicity of these medicines. I felt alone, afraid, and exhausted from the pain. My boyfriend at the time didn't know how to help. My mother didn't either.
I had this migraine for an entire year, with my only pain-free days coming from nerve blocks. AN. ENTIRE. YEAR.
Those dark days were so depressing, isolating, and scary. I felt that my future was in jeopardy. How could I keep my job? My social life? My romantic partner? Who would want to be around me going through all of this? I felt that certainly no one would.
I’ve been determined to achieve natural balance in my body.
Since that fateful doctor’s visit, I’ve experimented with foods I eat, hours I sleep, movement I make, places I live, and approached my body as a scientific experiment, constantly optimizing my health. I’m happy to say, it’s worked. After five years of chronic migraine, I reversed the condition to episodic. After eight years of episodic migraines, I am proud to say I have achieved migraine freedom since May 2020.
Now, I guide people like you to help them achieve migraine relief, naturally, by evaluating your body as a unique entity. I will teach you about your migraine brain, and how to meet it’s specific needs. I’ll help you find your baseline hydration level, identify patterns, and increase the available electric voltage in your body. All without drugs or diets.
Ready to start? Learn about my services.