The First Step In the Migraine Prevention Lifestyle


Hello my friend.

You might be asking yourself - “this whole Migraine Freedom thing sounds great! But how would I even know where to start?” The truth is, there is a lot to learn, especially when it comes to learning about and managing your own migraine brain. 

Things like:

  • How to charge up your body battery, so that you never are low on electric voltage (which is the ultimate trigger for migraine.)

  • How to identify a prodrome and bypass the coming migraine.

  •  How to build a lifestyle that you actually love that ensures migraines won't return.

  • What to eat and drink, and when to do it in order to maintain migraine prevention.

  • How to handle relationships from home, family, and work in order to support your migraine prevention lifestyle journey. 

  • How to build a daily practice that will help you prevent migraine for the rest of your life.

  • How to strengthen your nervous system, and glandular systems in order to improve your overall health without triggering migraine. 

  •  And how to get back on the wagon, if you've fallen off for any reason, with minimal damage to your forward momentum and success so far.

The benefit is for not just you, but for everyone that loves you and is missing you when you’re down.

One of the hardest things is knowing where to start. The Lifestyle Discovery Call makes all the difference so that you can start tracking your experience in order to discover your personal migraine patterns. 

We’ll spend 30 minutes getting to know each other and I will give you the best place to start on your health journey, so that you can start the migraine prevention lifestyle right away.

So how exactly can I help you get from migraine pain to migraine freedom?

The first step is by helping you plan your tracking so that you are able to track the way you feel and any symptoms you might experience, so we can accurately measure your improvement once you start the migraine prevention lifestyle. It will help you have a basic understanding of your migraine brain and what you need to do with your nutrition to make an impact immediately. 

Why would I do this for free? The reason is because it's my passion. I know what it's like to get your hopes up and constantly be disappointed and heartbroken that the new thing you've tried didn’t work. That's why it's so important to start by identifying your personal patterns, so we can make a personalized roadmap for your success.

These Lifestyle Discovery Calls help me not only make a difference in womens’ lives, but allows me to meet highly motivated migraineurs that are ready to invest in their health and become migraine free. Migraine has clipped their wings and they're ready to take action to get them back.

 If at the end of my call, I think that you are qualified to have great results with my services, then I'll offer you The Migraine Audit and Custom Roadmap. But if we don't feel like it's the next best step, you'll be able to execute the Tracking Calendar Assignment and lay the foundation for your very own migraine prevention lifestyle. 

Here's why this is a no-brainer:

If you believe that lifestyle changes can have an effect on your health and migraine, then this is going to be a really inspiring call. You'll get action items that you can work on right away to start getting results in your migraine prevention journey, customized for you. 

You'll learn the BIG SECRET about the true cause of migraine, and you'll have a new tool to uncover your patterns. But this opportunity is not for everyone. If you are convinced that migraine is an incurable disease, and are not open to a new way of understanding migraine, then we are not going to be a good match. 

It’s okay if you are currently on medications. But if you truly believe that medications are the only way that you'll feel better and that lifestyle changes have no value, then you will not benefit from the call. Further, if your mindset is closed, negative, overly victim-oriented, or you are totally skeptical and you feel the need to be proven otherwise….it's not going to be a good match.

You must be able to take responsibility for your lifestyle and the health outcomes that your chosen lifestyle provides.  If you are ready and willing to make small but powerful changes in your lifestyle to prevent migraine, then this call is for you. 

So If this sounds like you, now it's your turn to decide…

If it’s a YES then let's get on a call together so I can help you understand the next best steps for your own migraine prevention journey. What do you have to lose? Migraine Days?! But I must warn you that my time and capacity is a factor. 

It is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people at a given time, in order to give my coaching clients the absolute best education, guidance, and support for the most ideal outcomes. I must make sure that I limit the amount of people I work with at a given time. You will need to fill out a quick application form after booking to ensure we get the most of our time together.

So click the button below and secure your call so I can help you start creating the ultimate migraine prevention lifestyle customized just for you. 


The Sunrise Gift Box: Five Game-Changing Migraine Prevention Products Delivered To Your Doorstep


The Underlying Cause of Migraine: Migraine Brain