Congratulations on taking the next big step to migraine freedom, friend!

I'm so excited to work with you. 

As promised, there's a bit of paperwork I need you to fill out before our initial meeting.


These are basic agreements establishing our relationship and expectations:

Consulting Agreement - This will be customized and emailed to you. Please sign, date and email back to me.

Liability Waiver - Please sign and Date and email back to me.


This is the meaty prep-work required to truly illustrate your health and migraine history and story:

Client Health History form - Please fill out and send back to me.

Please fill out the following surveys:

onboarding survey

midas form

par-q form

Stress Scale

candida quiz

This may take an hour total, so please give yourself some quiet time to do so.


I can't wait to see you for your Migraine Audit Coaching Session!
